Connecting D&I is a collaborative platform built with International Centers of Specialized, which seeks to develop and disseminate experiences and successful methodologies to support all kinds of organizations effectively manage their strategies of Diversity and Inclusion -D&R-.
With headquarters in Chile, this private initiative expands to the whole of Latin america through international partners, linking the approach of Diversity and Inclusion – D&R – with the strategic needs of organizations of the region.
In this way, Connecting D&I is configured as a HUB of Diversity and Inclusion for Latin america.
To support organizations in Chile and Latin america in developing work environments more inclusive, free from discrimination and collaborative to ensure fair working conditions, equitable and sustainable for the people and the business.
To encourage and enable the sharing of new experiences and tools successful that support organizations to promote and cultivate cultures favorable to Diversity, allowing the development of equipment for high-impact, innovative, creative and competitive, making their adaptation to the constant changes of the environment.
Alejandra Gonzalez
Associate Director
Senior consultant diploma in HR Management with a Gender Focus of the University of Chile, has over 7 years of experience in the strategic management of Diversity and Inclusion in different industry
Participates as a partner of the Centre for Global Inclusion, as an Expert Panelist of the GDIB, on the initiative DEI Future Project which seeks to define and deliver guidelines in these areas for the future
Claudia Perez
Associate Director
Senior consultant on Diversity and Inclusion, with 8 years of experience in the design and implementation of strategies of D&I and Gender Equality to the interior of productive organizations. University teaching degree in Cultural Management of the Pontiff Catholic University of Valparaíso.
M. a. Anthropology has specialized in culture and organizational change, participating in the design of instruments with a focus on Gender.
We seek to create and consolidate a team with international professionals who know the reality of business and social in their own countries, in relation to Diversity and Inclusion.
Dianne Hofner
Consultant, organizational, and intercultural since 1979, and the founder of “Cultural Detective”, has worked with some of the multinational largest in the world and with people from more than 130 countries. His work has focused on the virtual team work, innovation, the establishment of bridges and the exploitation of the differences as assets and the contribution of our I full and authentic to our work and our communities.
She has been a professor of the Institute for Intercultural Communication in Portland (30 years), the Academy of Research of the cross-cultural Development in the city of Milan and the University of Valencia. His list of clients include ABB, Hyundai-Kia, Microsoft, Mitsui, Royal Dutch Shell, Schneider Electric, Telecom New Zealand, and Texas Instruments, as well as organizations of foreign studies and universities all over the world.
Is an author, prolific whose works include “Communication Highwire: Leveraging the power of diverse communication styles” (co-authored with Barbara Kappler Mikk, and Basma Ibrahim DeVries); “Ecotonos: a collaborative multi-cultural and a simulation of working as a team”; “Redundania; A simulation of a foreign language ”; “Sinrai; Building relationships of trust with japanese colleagues ”; and “Doing business with the DIVERSOFÍA japanese.” It is a frequent contributor to volumes peer-reviewed as “The International Journal of Intercultural Relations”, “Global Competence; 50 training activities in order to succeed in international business, the book of consultation on training and performance ”and“ the Pfeiffer Annual ”.
He has a masters degree in organization and development of human resources and a bachelor's degree in international studies. In 1994, he received the award Interculturalist Award for Achievement of the International Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research. He was a co-founder of SIETAR Japan and created and moderated the group online Intercultural Insights for more than three decades.
Ana Perez
The Associate director of the Global Center for Gender RTI, is an advocate committed to gender equality and leader in global business dynamics brings more than 20 years of experience in the areas of development and private and nine years of direct experience in gender issues in the energy sector.
He led the design and implementation of a programme for the integration of gender to a large private enterprise of energy that transformed their operations in a work environment that is more equitable for women. Is well versed in the latest trends in strategies and approaches to gender mainstreaming, particularly for organizations in the energy sector. Ana currently serves as Senior Technical Advisor to the Gender of LEED – Energy in RTI.
It is a facilitator, certified Audit Participatory Gender (PGA) of the ILO and has completed assessments of gender in the Middle East, Mongolia, and, more recently, in Rwanda. Is a keynote public and advocate for gender equity and social inclusion, having led the curriculum development and facilitation of workshops genre all over the world.
Cintia Gonzalez Oviedo
Founder and CEO, Bridge The Gap, consulting Agency in Diversity, Equality and Innovation. Web: btglatam.com
Psychologist training with a Master's degree in Marketing and corporate Communications.
The current Director of Content for Women Economic Forum (wef) Argentina 2020.
Coordinating Committee Gender and Compliance of World Compliance Association (Chapter argentine). Jury for awards Circle DirComs.
Today is a Candidate for m. a. in Gender, Society and Policy.
For 12 years he held positions as product manager, brand manager and marketing manager . Experience international releases in NY, Hong Kong and Central america.
In 2012 began experience in clinical area and research and in public policy. He completed Graduate studies in Sustainability and Inclusive Business.
Hands-on experience with attention to victims of gender-based violence and research in the area of maternity teenagers from the psychological point of view.. (Ministry of Social Development PBA and Ciipme Conicet)
Studies in Positive Innovation (Berkeley ), Psychology Perinatal, Positive Psychology.
Speaker for the WEF. (Women Economic Forum, August 2019, Colombia).
Alan Richter
President of QED Consulting, a company of 30 years, with headquarters in New York city and co-founder of The Centre for Global Inclusion. He works primarily in the areas of leadership, values, culture and change, and is an acknowledged pioneer in global diversity and ethics international. Has been a consultant to many global organizations such as CERN and the UN (including the Secretariat, the maintenance of the peace, etc, and many UN agencies), as well as with leading companies of the Global Fortune 500 as American Express, Chubb, Citibank, Delphi, HEY, Gartner. , GE, Home Depot, Investec, JP Morgan Chase, Kohler, KPMG, MetLife, Nokia, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Prudential, Rabobank, RBC, RBS, Sasol Saudi Aramco, Sony, UBS, Unilever, etc, and taught at leading universities such as Columbia University, Graduate Institute, UC Berkeley, and Wharton. It has also been a consultant, trained and presented at conferences in Africa, Asia, Europe and America. He is co-author of the reference points of diversity and inclusion and global benchmarks of ethics and integrity global and co-creator of the survey of global diversity and the intelligence assessment of the gender overall. Recently, coeditó a book entitled: An Inquiry into the Existence of Global Values (Hart, 2015). He has a phd in Philosophy from the University of London, and Master's and bachelor's Degrees from the University of Cape Town.
Shirley Saenz
Director of Iceberg Cultures of Inclusion. Expert in Multiculturalism and diversity with more than 10 years of experience in consulting and facilitation on diversity, inclusion, and cultural intelligence. Shirley is certified in inclusive leadership and communication inclusive by Catalyst; and also has certifications in Methods of cross-cultural Training, Global Collaboration and Team Work, Intercultural Cash by the Institute of Intercultural Communication.
Since 2009, Shirley has been working in the entire region of Latin America and has become an expert in Latin american cultures aplicnado their skills to train and advise expatriates, global teams, managers of international businesses and professionals who work in diverse environments across various industries. She was a delegate of the project DEI Future, and Expert Panelist for the Global Diversity Inclusion Benchmarl -GDEIB, both led by The Center for Global Inclusion. Since 2016 Shirley also works as a professor of Management Transcultural for the School of Online Business from the University of Barcelona. Their specialties include training for expatriates, leadership of virtual teams, global leadership and intercultural communication, and diversity and inclusion.
The life and career of Shirley have been shaped by the profound intercultural experience. It is native to Colombia and has been living and working abroad in five different countries during the last 12 years, experiences that have allowed him to acquire a deep understanding of these different cultures and fluent in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
Heidi Batz
Heidi Batz Rogers she is a founder of INclusion ACTION Collective, which leads people to the intersection of the arts, business and the community, to discover the hidden potential and impact collectively the change. A theatre artist with professional training, Heidi focuses the arts to illuminate the inter-seccionalidades of our humanity, and catalyze exploration bold of topics such as race, gender identity, generational differences, and socio-economic.
As a trainer of leadership, help the teams to fight for the shared success by deepening the understanding of themselves and of the rest, and take advantage of both strengths and differences to achieve their goals. The passion of Heidi lies on providing immersive experiences that bring the leaders of their family environments to build cross-cultural connections significant with the belief that together we can make a world that works for all, not some.
Carla Rojas Neculhual
Magíster en Dirección de Personas y Dinámica Organizacional, Facultad de Economía y Negocios Universidad de Chile. Diplomada en Dinámica Organizacional. Diplomada en Gestión de personas. Diplomada en gestión de Compensaciones. Psicóloga. Coach.
Experiencia Laboral: experta en incorporación de mujer en distintas industrias, con más de ocho años de experiencia en el desarrollo de programas de entrenamiento, gestión del cambio, desarrollo y diseño organizacional con perspectiva de género y prevención e investigación en situaciones acoso sexual.
Profesora de la Facultad De Economía y Negocios, Universidad De Chile. Directora Diversity Development Consulting con más de cinco años de experiencia asesorando empresas en género.
Directora académica diplomado Gestión de Organizaciones con Enfoque de Género.
Directora Women in mining.