For years, International Agencies and the chilean State have appealed to companies to get involved in the detection and prevention of domestic violence in their workers. The Standard itself 3262 of Gender Equality and the Reconciliation of working life, family and staff that promotes the SERNAMEG, it poses as a requirement.
Today, it has become a must-visit in the Gender Equality Policies and gender components of the Policies of Diversity and Inclusion in organizations, being one of the lines of action more difficult to develop in times of pandemic.
The difficulty that exposes research and containment through telework and the uncertainty of the referral of cases detected on the public network of Foster Homes and Centers for Women in terms of quarantine and social distancing are two variables that stress the normal development of these programs in the areas of human resources.
"The video presented by SERNAMEG causes a lot of confusion between the different actors of the network of containment, and referral to the invited companies to be part of, and that is why it is right that has been removed"
Community Women, to deliver the report of the Initiative, with Gender Parity IPG Chile frente al COVID-19, raised the concern of the companies surveyed by addressing the domestic violence, as one of the challenges to the gender of the pandemic.
And it is very true. What it is.
It is a great challenge to be able to deal with it and refer you appropriately, and there is a lot of uncertainty about the course of actions to follow in these new conditions.
And it is very necessary to do so, it is also true.
Because the number of complaints of domestic violence in Chile has increased exponentially during the pandemic and need activity of all social actors in order to confront it.
In the midst of this fog, urgent messages more clear than ever on the part of the public authority and their communication devices. Messages that develop trust and support the actions -not only communication but also relational - that established enterprises to build their own messages, contain and refer cases.
The video presented by SERNAMEG causes a lot of confusion between the different actors of the network of containment, and referral to the invited companies to be part of, and that is why it is right that has been removed. It is very contradictory to see the State involving the business sector in a phenomenon that he himself does not know to communicate. Such a colossal confusion, can not be set as legitimate. You need to clear messages.
Gender-based violence is unacceptable in any context, will not be mitigated by repentance and is an attack against the human rights of women. It is the task of all social actors to prevent and eradicate it. Companies can make a difference.
Claudia Pérez Müller
Associate Director
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